Inclined Dumbbell Fly

Inclined dumbbell fly is an important chest workout exercise,which has a dual benefit of giving a stretch at the bottom and a squeeze at the top to your pectoral muscles,unlike any other exercise.This is the primary reason it is an important bodybuilding workout component.It helps to build muscle mass,improves the range of motion and helps give shape to the chest.

  • Lie flat on the inclined bench.Keep your back straight and feet firmly planted on the floor.
  • Grab the dumbbells and hold them above your head,perpendicular to the floor.Bend your elbows slightly.
  • Now,slowly bring the weights down to your sides,as shown in the video,inhaling as you go down,till your biceps are parallel to the floor.
  • Bring the weights back to the starting position,exhaling as you go up.
  • Make sure you are in full control of the motion.If no,make sure you have someone to assist you.
  • Try to lift back the weights with your pectoral muscles,not with your shoulders or biceps.Bring your chest closer at the top of the motion.