Ryan Reynolds Diet

Voted the SEXIEST MAN ALIVE-2010,Ryan Reynolds opens up to the diet he followed to get his famous 6-pack abs and bag the title.
Ryan Reynolds Diet
He believes in eating after every 2-3 hours,and eating in small amounts rather than gorging up on food.He also recommends drinking a lot of water throughout the day.

BREAKFAST: 1/2 cup egg whites and 2 eggs. Oatmeal – no sugar, a protein bar 2-3 hours later.
LUNCH: chicken and veggies/brown rice. a protein bar 2-3 hours later.
DINNER: fish or chicken with salad and vegetables. balsamic vinegar for dressing. couple more . Optimum Whey Protein Shakes throughout the night and right before bed.
Breakfast: 2 eggs, some “good” fat like a spoon of almond butter or slice of avocado, and 1 cup of oatmeal with applesauce
Midmorning snack: Protein bar
Lunch: Tuna wrap or chicken and salad
Mid-afternoon snack: Protein shake (whey and water), protein bar, or apple and almonds
Dinner: Broiled fish or chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and salad
Evening Snack: protein shake
  • In order to build lots of lean body mass,he says it is better to have 8-10 small meals a day and taking whey protein alongside,rather than having 3 large meals in a day
  • Avoid taking carbs at night,but take plenty of them during the day,since they provide you with the energy to exercise and keep the blood sugar levels stable.
  • He strongly advices against following a low carb diet.Prefer not to have carbs at night,but dont screw up your blood sugar levels.
  • He believes that eating properly is equal to achieving 80% of your dream physique.Get enough calories to build muscle,but not in excess to build fat.
SUPPLEMENTS: Creatine is one thing that helped Ryan gain lots of lean muscle mass.He also took L-glutamine, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), whey, and a multivitamin.