Lat Pull Down

Lat Pull Down is a back exercise primarily targeting the lats and upper back muscles.Lat Pulldowns are the best among all back exercises when it comes to targeting the lats.This exercise is a part of all back workouts.You will come across people who do this exercise in all sorts of funny,incorrect and dangerous ways.Dangerous because incorrect technique can cause lower back injuries and back and shoulder pains.

  • The first step is to adjust your seat to a level where your feet touch the ground and simultaneously your knees come under the pads properly.
  • Next get hold of the bar.Place your thumbs at the place where the bar is bent,and wrap your hands around the bar.
  • Sit down and choose a moderate weight.Do not pick heavy weights in the beginning as form is far more important than weight in this exercise.
  • Exhale as you bring the bar down towards the top of your chest.Do not lean back to pull down the weight.
  • Inhale as you guide the bar to the starting position.
  • Make sure that you bring the bar right on top of your chest and do not lean back in order to pull down the weight.
  • Follow correct form and you will yourself feel your lats warming up during the exercise.