
Lunges are the most dreaded and the most effective leg workout to train your quadriceps,gluteus muscles and the inside of your thighs.It is the best among all leg exercises to develop your inner thighs,gluteus muscles in specific and all leg muscles in general.Doing a couple of lunges daily might give you some leg pains in the starting,but gradually you will see a noticeable toning of your legs,particularly the inner thighs.All the upper leg muscles are trained in this exercise.


This leg workout can be done without weights,with barbell and with dumbbells,depending on your strength and capabilities.The technique is same in all three cases,with some minor changes.Here we will give you a description based on using dumbbells and barbells,while the video below will show you how to do lunges without any weights.

  • Stand straight and place your left leg 2-3 feet in front of the right one.Make sure the left foot is placed firmly flat on the ground.
  • With the dumbbells hanging vertically down,at your sides at an arm’s length,go down,such that your right knee is almost touching the ground and your left knee is pointing forward,and your left thigh is parallel to the ground.
  • Make sure your left knee does not go beyond the toes of your left foot.
  • Go back to a vertical base and repeat the same procedure by placing your right foot ahead.
  • Make sure the weights are not heavy.Concentrate on correct form rather than heavy weights.
  • You can also do pulses,that is rather than going down once,go down 4-5 times and switch legs.
  • Do a minimum of 10-12 reps for each leg,and do about 3 sets.