Triceps Presses

Triceps Presses or Triceps Press Down is an essential part of all triceps workouts.This tricep workout mainly focuses on the tricep muscles.This tricep exercise is helpful to those who want to build muscles.Though there are various triceps exercises,but this is the most easiest among the tricep workouts.This is really helpful for people who want to gain muscles and improve the appearance of their triceps.This is the best exercise to pump up the triceps by squeezing them hard.

  • There are two ways to do this exercise,standing straight and overhead press.Both are shown in the video below,while we will tell you about standing straight triceps press down.

  • Move the pulley to the top slot in the machine and load the machine with appropriate weight.Grab the bar and pull it down.
  • Make sure of a few things before starting.Your back should be straight throughout the exercise.
  • Your elbows should be fixed to the sides of your torso,and should not be moving here and there during the exercise.This will take the pressure off the triceps.
  • Exhale as you bring the bar down towards your groin region,squeezing your triceps on the way down.Make sure your elbows don’t move.
  • Inhale as you bring the bar up to around chest level or when it is parallel to the floor.Return down again for second repetition.
  • Your set should consist of 8-10 reps and do a minimum of 3 sets.
Remember-a heavy weight is not a requirement,a correct form