John Cena Workout Routine and Diet


DAY 1 legs & calves:
Seated calf raises 10 x 20-10
standing weightless calf raises 4 x 25
standing single-leg curls 4 x 20-25
leg presses 5 x 20
leg ext 4 x 15
squats 4 x 10
hack squats 3 x 15
supersetted with:
single-leg ext 3 x 10

DAY 2 chest
incline machine press 5 x 20
incline barbell press 5 x 20
machine flies 3 x 15
cable flies 3 x 15
bench 3 x 10

DAY 3: Arms
preacher curls 5 x 12
standing BB curl 3 x 10-12
seated DB curl 3 x 10-12
standing cable curl 3-4 x 12
rope pressdowns 3 x 20
supersetted with:
single-arm cable pressdowns 3 x 10
lying tricep ext 6 x failure
overhead cambered ext 3 x 20
seated BB ext 3 x 20
dips 4 x failure

DAY 4: Shoulders
rear delt machine flies 5 x 20
machine overhead press 5 x 20
machine side laterals 5 x 20
seated military 3 x 10
DB laterals 3 x 12
standing BB press 3 x 10

DAY 5: Back
Lat pulldowns 5 x 20
bent BB rows 5 x 12-20
1-arm DB rows 5 x 12-20
Deadlifts 4 x 8-15
high rows 4 x 20
pullups 4 x failure
shrugs 5 x 20
note: Cena does 1 set of 60 crunches for abs at the end of each workout


John's diet is the most important aspect when it comes to keeping in shape. Don't just think he trains hard in the gym, his diet accounts for much of his success in achieving the physique he has.
Typically a days nutrition intake would be:
Breakfast: 8 eggs, 8 whites, two yellows and 100g of oatmeal with applesauce or raisins.
Midmorning snack: protein bar
Lunch: 2 x Chicken Breasts, 100g Brown Rice and veggies
Mid-afternoon snack: Tuna in Wholewheat Pitta Breads
Pre-Post Workout: Whey Protein Shake and a Banana
Dinner: Grilled fish or chicken, brown rice or pasta, vegetables, and salad.
Evening Snack: Casein Protein Shake Protein shake or Low Fat Cottage Cheese Slow Release Proteins)