Ryan Reynold Blade 3 workout and diet

DIET: I ate something pretty much every 2-3 hours, never "stuffing" myself, but never letting myself get hungry. Tons of water throughout the day... BREAKFAST: 1/2 cup egg whites and 2 eggs. Oatmeal - no sugar, a *protein bar 2-3 hours later. (the best oatmeal is this stuff called McCann's Steel Cut Oatmeal. It takes about a half hour to cook, but you just make enough to last a couple weeks. add apple sauce and cinnamon to improve the taste.)

LUNCH: chicken and veggies/brown rice. a *protein bar 2-3 hours later.

DINNER: fish or chicken with salad and vegetables. balsamic vinegar for dressing. couple more ** Optimum Whey Protein Shakes throughout the night and right before bed.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, some "good" fat like a spoon of almond butter or slice of avocado, and 1 cup of oatmeal with applesauce

Midmorning snack: protein bar

Lunch: albacore tuna wrap or chicken and salad

Mid-afternoon snack: protein shake (whey and water), protein bar, or apple and almonds

Dinner: broiled fish or chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and salad

Evening Snack: protein shake

While eating a protein/carb mix every 2 hours all day, I'd wind up having about 8 - 10 "tiny" meals instead of 3 big meals over the course of a day. No carbs at night, but plenty during the day. This kind of diet kept my blood sugar even and gave me the requisite energy needed for the physicality of the role...

"Never do any of that carb-starve crap," Reynolds says. Instead, watch the clock. He ate most of his carbohydrates post-workout, and none after 8 p.m

Workouts were about 2-3 hours. Generally starting off with around 500 - 1000 sit-ups. Then heavy weights for bulk. I'm a pretty scrawny guy so we cut cardio entirely and just focused on bulking up. Weight training involved a variety of exercises too numerous to mention at reps of about 8-12, for 6 days a week. After the first week I was longing for the sweet release of death, but soon enough got really into it.

I'd work one body part per day, as in: chest day, back day, shoulder day, leg day, with arms mixed in. Don't know what I was benching. I remember it wasn't anything to brag about.