Jennifer Aniston Diet and Exercise

Jennifer Aniston Workout
 Jennifer Aniston actually does not spend as long as you might expect working out. She uses a combination of yoga and interval training to maintain her figure.
 On a normal day Jennifer Aniston will begin her workout with a 5 minute warm up so she can avoid the risk of injury. She then performs 22 minutes of cardio either on a treadmill or exercise bike. Jennifer Aniston does not just pedal or run for the duration of the 22 minutes cardio. To get maximum results from these 22 minutes Jennifer Aniston uses a form on interval training. This involves her riding or running as hard as she can for one minute then she maintains a lower more steady rate for the next two minutes. This process is repeated over and over until she has performed 22 minutes of cardio. Once she has finished with her interval training she will then go through 30 to 40 minutes of the 5 sun salutations of yoga poses which helps her focus on posture and her breathing. It is also a fantastic way to maintain toned muscles.
 Every other day Jennifer Aniston will have, what she calls, a high energy day.
 For these high energy days Jennifer Aniston will perform a further 20 minutes on a treadmill which is set to a 1.5 degree angle and is operating at 6-7 mph.
 Jennifer Aniston will always spend 10 minutes cooling down after her workouts which help reduce any potential soreness the next day.

 Aniston was known for eating the same salad everyday for almost 10 years while shooting for FRIENDS,but she brought some change into the kitchen with the help of her personal chefs Jewels and Jill Elmore.
 According to her,
 Jewels changed the way I see a kitchen from a place to store PowerBars (my once upon-a-time alternative to all food groups!) to a sanctuary that has become the most important room in the house, filled with sights and smells that are themselves a feast.

She admits to her weakness for Mexican food,but prefers to keep a strict check on her cravings and her diet mostly consists of vegetables and fruits. She finds Brussels sprouts really tasty. She tries to keep processed foods out of her diet,concentrating more on healthy vegetables and fruits.

She does not starve herself and sometimes gives into cravings for food.She says:

I eat really well and work out, but I also indulge when I want to.