Lady Gaga Diet and Exercise

Lady Gaga Workout Plan
 In order to get the best of her body workout, she hired a personal trainer Harley Pasternak to give her the best training specially to build up her stamina for stage performance and cardio fat burning results.Harley Pasternak is the writer of “the 5 factor workout”. Harley Pasternak has buffed up the bodies of stars like Alicia Keys, Halle Berry, Lady Gaga and Robert Downey, Jr. with his 5-Factor diet and fitness plans.
 Lady Gaga is fully participated with the 5 factor workout training which consists in barbell dumbbell combination weights, jogging, jumping rope and a circuit training routine. Below are the 5 factors which apply to Lady Gaga to get her curve shape body:

Step 1: Workout with Harley Bar, workout bar created by Harley himself. Is a very flexible barbell/dumbbell (DB) combination bar which she travels with. Gaga able to workout when she has a free time.
Step 2: Lady Gaga training is consider light and simple. Follow by slight warm up five minute jog
Step 3: Do the following three exercises as a circuit. Three times for 25 reps each set – DB back Rows – which train your upper back and posture muscles, DB deadlifts, which target your hamstrings, thighs and butt, and Sides bends, which work your love handles and obliques.
Step 4: Five minutes of skipping rope.
Step 5: Eat healthy, stay healthy. Lady Gaga follow the exactly diet recipe which provided by Harley and she loving it. Keep reading more below for Lady Gaga diet plan.


Lady Gaga,whose height is approx 5’1? and weight is 97 lbs (44kg), follows the 5 Factor Diet, which requires her to eat 5 meals in a day,2 meals and 3 snacks. The foods she can eat must fall into the category of lean protein,low glycemic carbs,healthy fats,fiber and a sugar free beverage.The diet also allows one cheat day in a week.

Some of Lady Gaga’s favorite foods are salsa with green chips,tofu,turkey slices,hummus and coconut water.In her own words,

“I’m on a very strict healthy pop star diet. I don’t eat bread, just vegetables and salad and fish. Eating like that is much better for me anyway but on Sundays I sometimes eat pasta.