Jessica Biel Workout Routine And Diet Plan

Jessica Biel’s Workout
 Jason recommends a 30 minute interval-training regimen, four days a week.

Monday and Friday
Warm-up: Light cardio on the treadmill, bike or elliptical. (5 minutes)
Circuit work: Alternate 10 reps each of 2 strength-training moves (choose from walking lunges, bent-over dumb bell rows, squat to press, plank, hanging leg lifts and back extensions) with one minute of moderate cardio; repeat three times. Alternate one minute of cardio with another two exercises; repeat three times. Alternate one minute of cardio with last two exercises; repeat three times. Beginners use 5 – 10 pound weights; veterans, 15-20 pounds 18 minutes.
Intense Cardio: Alternate one minute of high speed (3.5 to 5 mph on a treadmill) at moderate resistance (an incline of 3 -5) with one minute of low speed (2.5 mph) at low resistance (incline of 1 or 2). Repeat set three times. Six minutes.
Cool down: Low speed walk. one minute

Tuesday and Thursday
 Same as above, but substitute strength training moves: Squat jumps, pushups, sit-ups, wide-grip lat pull downs, side bridges, side bridges and crunches on the fitness ball.


Saturday and Sunday
 45 minutes of your favorite sport.

Jessica Biel’s diet

If you want to know what Jessica Biel eats and follow her diet, do the following

1. Eat three small healthy meals and three snacks daily for six days. Six meals a day optimizes your metabolism and you burn calories quickly. On the seventh day, you can eat your favorite food.

2. Breakfast: Jessica eats oatmeal made with skimmed milk for breakfast. She also adds a pinch of cinnamon and diced apple. She downs it with orange juice. She also has a slice of whole-weat toast with a can of sardines in tomato sauce; and compliments it with apple juice. At other times, she has omlette with three egg whites mixed with tomatoes and follows it up with grapefruit juice.

3. Mid-morning snack: A handful of unsalted almonds or a banana does the trick for her.

4. Lunch: For Lunch, Jessica Biel has whole wheat pasta, chopped vegetables, four ounces of lean chicken. She also enjoys half baked potatoes served with corn and tuna. Salad dressing consists of green leaves mixed with lemon juice and some olive oil. Jessica Biel also digs ‘mixed bean salad’ consisting of celery, sliced peppers, lemon juice, teaspoon of olive oil and of course, 14 oz, can of mixed beans.

5. Mid afternoon snack: She goes for a fruit piece of mixed seeds that comprises sunflower seeds, pumping and sesame.

6. Evening snack: For this, she goes for oatcakes covered with hummus, whole grain crisp breast and follows it up with a glass of fruit juice

7. Dinner: Jessica Biel’s dinner is nutritious too with moderate sized salmon fillet, baked with lime or lemon juice and teaspoon of olive oil. She also supplements it with broccoli, carrots and mashed sweet potatoes. For dessert, she goes for low-fat yogurt