Kate Hudson Workout Routine And Diet Plan

Kate Hudson’s Workout Routine
 Kate Hudson has hired the professional trainer Garrett Warren who help her with core-strengthening workouts that are a mix of core stability movements, yoga, and Pilates. Also, she does outdoor running and Cardio on a treadmill.
 About her workout routine, Kate says:
 “My biggest challenge was losing the 60 pounds I’d packed on when I was pregnant. I was a big, jolly pregnant lady, but then I devoted six hours a day to a rigorous workout regime. I would do 45 or 55 minutes of cardio and then an hour of Pilates or yoga three times a day.“

Kate Hudson’s Diet Plan

Step 1
 Reduce your overall daily caloric intake. Kate Hudson’s diet called for only 1500 calories each day. (Note that this restriction may not be advisable for you if you are breastfeeding, however. So, adjust your caloric intake accordingly and under the supervision of your obstetrician.)

Step 2
 Follow a diet rich in plenty of lean proteins, such as chicken, turkey, fish and soy products, such as tofu.

Step 3
 Reduce your intake of carbohydrates. If you require more carbohydrates than Kate Hudson’s diet calls for, then plan on about 40 percent of your diet coming from low glycemic carbohydrates, such as fresh fruit, vegetables and legumes (beans).

Step 4
Remember that your body needs essential fatty acids to function properly. Good natural sources are fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds.

 Step 5
Step on the treadmill and start pumping iron. Kate Hudson’s baby weight loss campaign included 3 to 4 hours of intensive daily workouts.

 Step 6
 Consider joining a gym or health club where a personal trainer can design a workout program that meets your individual needs and targets your specific weight loss goals.
 Kate has also been on the Blood Type Diet which is a diet that is customized to your exact blood type. Tons of celebs use this diet and it is an incredible one because it actually works!