Randy Orton workout and diet

How does Randy get his amazing physique? Here is his work out and diet that he uses to remain healthy.
 QUICK RUNDOWN: I try to do Cardio on the treadmill at a slight incline for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. I train abdominals 3-5 times a week. Chest, Shoulders, Back, Legs, once a week. I do Biceps and Triceps on the same day once a week. I try to work my neck 3 times a week, and my forearms the same. Stretching is very important to me. I stretch before and after I train.


DAY 1: Legs
 superset Thigh Extensions w/ Leg Curls : 4 sets – 12-20 reps.
 Box Squats : 5 sets – 12 reps.
 Straight Leg DLs : 4 sets-10 reps.
 Calve Raises : 10 sets – 8 – 15 reps

DAY 2: Chest
 Incline BB Bench : 3 sets – 20 reps.
 Incline DB Bench : 5 sets – 6 reps.
 Flat Bench : 4 sets 8 – 12 reps
 Cable Crossovers : 3 sets – 15 reps
 *every other week I do 10 sets of 10 pushups, with hands on a bench

DAY 3: Back
 Pull downs : 3 sets – 20 reps
 Seated Cable Rows : 3 sets – 12 reps.
 T-Bar Rows : 3 sets – 10 reps
 Bent Over Rows : 3 sets – 20 reps
 Lower Back Ext. : 3 sets – 15 reps.
 *one set of pull-ups to failure*

DAY 4 : Shoulders

 Side Laterals : 3 sets – 15 reps
 Front Laterals : 3 sets – 15 reps
 Rear Laterals : 3 sets – 15 reps
 Arnold Presses : 4 sets – 8 – 12 reps
 Upright Rows : 3 sets – 8 – 12 reps

DAY 5 : Triceps + Biceps
 Pushdowns : 3 sets – 20 reps
 French Curls : 3 sets – 8-12 reps
 Overhead Tri Ext : 3 sets – 8-12 reps
 Close grip Pushdowns : 3 sets – 15 reps
 Alt. DB Curls : 3sets – 10reps
 Alt. DB Hammer Curls : 3 sets – 8 reps
 BB Curls : 3 sets – 8 reps
 Cable Curls : 3 sets – 8 reps

DIET : My diet is actually fairly simple. I stay away from carbs after 8pm or so. And as far as carbs go, I eat a limited amount, usually from mostly potatoes, oatmeal, and pancakes. I try to eat 250 grams of protein a day. About 60% of my protein intake comes from supplements. I like Isopure Meal Replacements, and Protein Powder. Nitro Tech is good as well. I also eat protein bars from Lean Body. Most of the protein I eat from food I get out of egg whites, steak, fish, chicken, milk, and cottage cheese. Sushi I eat around 3 times a week. If I have a sugar tooth, I like ice cream. It is hard to eat good on the road, but you can do it. There is no excuse to eat junk!