Selena Gomez Workout Routine And Diet Plan

 Selena’s diet now consists of a lot of greens, cheese and fruits. She is now following a healthy and balanced diet with the help of her mother.

She is also being careful to get more protein which is vital for maintaining organ health as well as muscle health. She is eating egg omelettes for breakfast and chicken salads for lunch, along with pasta dishes to increase energy.
 Selena admits that she need to improve her diet plan such as adding more proteins to the diet plan which she follows. Here’s a sample of her diet plan:

 Selena says that for breakfast she eats  a mean omelet (with cheese, mushrooms, and onions) cooked by her mother.

 She eats some source of protein such as turkey or meat which helps her to keep her energy up.

 For dinner Selena likes to eat some Italian food such as lasagna.

 Selena admits that she can’t resist to Reese’s Pieces or Snickers.


There is not much information about her workout routine but it has been reported that she regularly goes to the gym and exercises regularly like some cardio exercises but not any type of heavy exercises to burn calories. She just do yoga to keep her body healthy and flexible.

Exercise for Selena is running, cycling and cross trainer workouts, plus dance workouts and aerobics. She has no desire to put on additional muscle so there is no weight training and bodyweight training is kept to a minimum too.

Really, if you want to get a body like Selena you need to learn how to eat a healthy diet but to limit calories. To have a slim and healthy body you really just need to do this, along with a little exercise.

Bear in mind that Selena has a very hectic schedule, with lots of travel, plus tours, dance workouts, studio work and a lot of interviews and meetings. All this work burns off a lot of calories, far more than you are likely to burn off when doing an office job or looking after the house. In short, Selena Gomes is in great shape due to a combination of a healthy and active lifestyle and a (now) healthy diet.