Stone Cold’s workout routine is a 4 day split. He performs 6-8 reps of each exercise. When his wrestling schedule interfered with the amount of time he had to train, he would simply do 1 set of 40 squats with 265lbs.
Squat – 5 or 6 sets
Straight-legged deadlift – 2 sets
Barbell shrugs – 2 sets
Dumbbell shrugs – 2 sets
Bench – 3 or 4 sets
Incline bench – 2 sets
30 minutes cardio
Barbell rows – 2 sets
Dumbbell rows – 2 sets
Barbell shrugs – 2 sets
Dumbbell shrugs – 2 sets
30 minutes cardio
Barbell press – 2 sets
Dumbbell press – 2 sets
Close-grip bench – 2 sets
30 minutes cardio
Stone Cold’s workout routine is a 4 day split. He performs 6-8 reps of each exercise. When his wrestling schedule interfered with the amount of time he had to train, he would simply do 1 set of 40 squats with 265lbs.
Squat – 5 or 6 sets
Straight-legged deadlift – 2 sets
Barbell shrugs – 2 sets
Dumbbell shrugs – 2 sets
Bench – 3 or 4 sets
Incline bench – 2 sets
30 minutes cardio
Barbell rows – 2 sets
Dumbbell rows – 2 sets
Barbell shrugs – 2 sets
Dumbbell shrugs – 2 sets
30 minutes cardio
Barbell press – 2 sets
Dumbbell press – 2 sets
Close-grip bench – 2 sets
30 minutes cardio