Pull Ups and Chin Ups

Pull Ups and Chin Ups are the two best compound back exercises,that work on your shoulders,back,biceps and triceps.The technique for performing this back workout is the same,the only difference being in the position of the hands.Though it might be difficult for beginners,slowly and steadily you will gain strength and be able to perform it correctly.This exercise is helpful to gain muscles and develop big lats and back muscles.


You may have seen people do a lot of crap in the gym,but follow the steps given below and stay away from lower back pain and pain in your shoulders and biceps.

1.Chin Ups:

  • These are different from the pull ups,where you have a wide grip.Here you will have an underhand close grip.
  • Grab the inside handles on the Smith Machine,palms facing towards you,and your body in a nice straight line.
  • Exhale as you go up,to a point where your chin is inline with the bar.
  • Inhale as you go down.
  • Make sure you maintain good form,and your spine is not placed in awkward position. 

2.Pull Ups:

  • The technique is pretty much straight forward.Go to the Smith Machine,grab the outer handles,palms facing forward.
  • Place your hands slightly shoulder width apart.Keep your body relaxed and look forward.
  • Squeeze the muscles of the back and pull yourself using your arms,till your chin is above the bar.
  • Inhale as you slowly come back to the starting position.
  • Keep in mind that you should be in full control of the movement,especially during the beginning.
  • Add additional weight when you gain sufficient strength.
  • Number of repetitions depends on your own ability.Maintain correct form in as many reps as you can.