Anna Paquin Workout

As we mentioned last week, True Blood is back for season 3. That, of course, means the return of Anna Paquin, who stars as the telepathic waitress, Sookie Stackhouse. Yep, Anna Paquin is back – and with a better body than ever.
Anna Paquin has been working hard with her trainer Clay Burwell. Anna’s workouts typically two-hour-long sessions that combine boxing, plyometrics, and strength training.
Self Magazine recently covered Anna Paquin’s Workout, discussed below, which helped her look sexy naked for this season of True Blood.

Anna Paquin True Blood Workout

This workout involves a circuit of 6 different exercises, each of which is done 3 times. Do the first exercise, and immediately move on to the second exercise, and so on. After performing this circuit of 6 exercises. Rest 1-2 minutes. Then repeat the circuit two more times.

“Waist Cincher”

Reps: 30 reps per side (for a total of 60 reps for each circuit).
Starting position: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Cross your right ankle over your left knee. Place your left hand on the back of your head (like you would in a situp). Keep your right arm at your side with right elbow to the ground.
Movement: As you crunch, shift your weight to the right elbow and bring your left elbow toward the right knee. Return to the starting position.
Areas worked: abs and obliques

“De-jiggle jumper”

Reps: 15 reps
Starting position: Stand in front of a step or bench with your feet about hip-width apart.
Movement: Jump onto the step so that you land “softly” (i.e., with knees bent) and with your arms in front of you. Step down with your right leg, and then step down with your left leg. (On the next rep, step down with your left leg first, and then your right, and alternate between. Or, for this circuit always step down with the same leg first, and then on the next circuit, step down with the other leg first.)
Areas worked: abs, butt, and legs.

“The kicker”

Reps: 15 reps per side (for a total of 30 reps for each circuit)
Starting position: Stand near a chair or counter with your feet about hip-width apart. Place your right hand on the chair for stability (try to apply as little weight on the chair as possible during the movement). Left hand by your side.
Movement: Lift your left knee to your chest. Then, look over your left shoulder. Lift your left knee so that it is parallel to the floor with your left arm behind you. Extend your left leg straight back. Bend your knee so that your thigh is parallel to the floor again. Bring your left knee toward your chest again. Return to the starting position.
Areas worked: abs, butt, and legs

“Shoulder sculptor”

Reps: 15 reps per side (for a total of 30 reps for each circuit)
Starting position: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Hold a kettle bell (or dumbbell) with your right arm in front of you
Movement: Squat. As you squat, lower the kettle bell toward the floor. Then bend your right elbow, lifting the kettle bell to your chest. Lower the kettle bell as you return to the squat position.
Areas worked: shoulders, arms, back, butt, and legs


Reps: 15 reps
Starting position: Plank position on your elbows (with a towel or mat underneath your elbows for comfort).
Movement: Straighten your right arm, then your left arm into push-up position. Do one pushup. Then lower yourself onto your right elbow, then your left elbow.
Areas worked: abs, shoulders, and arms

“Look-lean lunge”

Reps: 15 times per side (for a total of 30 reps for each circuit)
Starting position: Stand with your feet about hip-width apart on a step (or on the floor).
Movement: Step your right leg back diagonally into a lunge (like curtsying). Step your right leg back to start position. Repeat for your left leg.
Areas worked: butt and legs