Tracy Anderson Workout Secrets

Tracy Anderson is the hottest celebrity trainer on the market. Based in New York and Los Angeles, Tracy Anderson uses an innovative diet and workout in  to transform the bodies of already hot A-list celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kelly Ripa, Shakira, Molly Sims, Madonna, Kate Hudson, Courtney Cox, and Jennifer Aniston. Tracy says, “I can take any woman and turn her into this tiny ideal of perfection.” Tracy’s workout plan consists of intense 100-minute cardio and strength sessions, 6 days per week. If you want a slim, toned body like Gwyneth and Jennifer, check out the workout and diet plan Tracy recently shared with Us Magazine.

The Tracy Anderson Workout

Tracy has created 3,000 different dance and muscle-conditioning exercises, which she individually tailors for each client. The workouts are performed on bands mounted to the ceiling and on adjustable-height bars. Clients also use light weights, with a maximum of 3 pounds to “prevent bulking up.” Tracy says workouts begin with 60 minutes of strength training followed by 40 minutes of cardio-dance. She also creates new workout routines for her clients every 10 days to eliminate plateaus in improvement.

The Tracy Anderson Diet

Tracy generally puts clients on a 1,400 to 1,600 calorie per day Lifestyle Diet. The diet consists of a meal plan that costs $200 to $500 per month.  The meal plan includes lean protein and veggies, but lacks pasta, bread, and white carbs. If a client needs an extra boost, Tracy starts them on the Baby Food Cleanse diet. This means clients eat 14 servings of pureed food per day. Tracy says, “You’ll lose 5 pounds in a week and you won’t feel tortured.” Whether or not a diet that has you eating baby food for a week feels like torture is a judgment call, but the results certainly speak for themselves.