Bill Goldberg Workout And Diet


Bill Goldberg Workout Routine

Training days: 

Day 1  Heavy CleansLight SnatchesOlympic SquatsWeighted Back ExtensionsNeck Braces

Day 2  Heavy SnatchesLight CleansClose-Grip Incline Barbell PressWeighted DipsNeck Braces

Day 3  Behind-The-Neck Push PressesT-Bar RowsWeighed Close-Grip Pull-UpsStanding Sit-Ups

Day 4  High PullsMilitary PressDumbbell Clean and PressDecline Dumbbell PressStanding Sit-Ups

Additionally, Goldberg’s workout includes sets with rubber bands. When he can’t get to the gym, he performs Hindu squats and Hindu pushups

Bill Goldberg Diet

Bill Goldberg’s diet is high in protein, low in fat. He’ll eat 12 egg whites and one yolk for breakfast along with half a pound of turkey bacon and half a pot of coffee. His typical lunch includes as much protein as possible. In addition, Goldberg drinks a lot of water, up to 15 bottles per day.Another important part of Bill Goldberg’s workout routine and diet plan is getting adequate rest. He tries to always get a good night’s rest and manages to take naps during the day as well.